Football, like many other sports, has a history of buses with a poor understanding of the needs of the sport, demand is bound by the players run laps on the track, and unique to other forms of training in conflict with the requirements for this sport. With a start-stop style of play continued, with the average player is not more than ten seconds followed by a much longer period of rest, their needs are closer to the race and the traditional methods of strength training that sports such as rugby and boxing, where it has a greater strength desired item. Meanwhile, to take into account sports a large part of the lateral mobility and technical considerations, in the absence of pure speed and power sports.
This article explores how to incorporate the methods of speed and strength training, a player will try to help her speed and strength in the off-season to improve football. Each element will be treated individually. Given the many different requirements for different positions in football, this article about planning for the formation of a typical week, linebacker, back, and the strong focus on security, even if the advice for most of the position except offensive and defensive linemen Kickers. Nevertheless, many of the functions more or less the same as these attitudes.
Most football players of today and put a big emphasis on strength training, as was highlighted in a relatively long time in sport by the increasing demand for larger and stronger athletes. This does not automatically mean that the players have to follow the advice of the training he received in the bodybuilding magazines, or follow a generic training college. Unfortunately suffer most university programs, because it is too simplistic to try because of the need to train 40 or 50 athletes at a time in a plant. This training leads to the simple, easy to manage rather than to the most effective programs, the athletes distributed. Similarly, athletes who believe fitness programs to improve athletic performance can possibly gain some muscle mass but often at the expense of the relative strength and speed and reduce the mobility of the joints, stresses in a single joint exercises. In addition, the focus bodybuilding training programs for failure and extensive work on specific muscle groups leads to less energy for h igh intensity explosive work that football requires.
Split Training vs. total body workout
Most players often follow a protocol of typical bodybuilding, where they trained each muscle group once a week at high volume. Unfortunately, while this in certain circumstances, bodybuilders work, footballers can not afford to adopt this procedure. Most importantly, makes this type of training is very difficult to integrate with the training requirements to improve other essential elements for success in football. For example, many bodybuilders train back, quadriceps, hamstrings on different days. This would mean, for most of the time, players will have enough energy for your workouts, sprint, etc. due to excessive fatigue have the muscles. In addition, the breakdown of the training with the central nervous system are under constant stress the performance of high intensity, making the recovery and reduces the capacity to exercise outside the gym this with the necessary intensity.
This leaves two options. The first is the assumption of a division is the bottom / top and the other the adoption of a full body workout. Both options have their advocates. The breakdown of the body in the lower leg / top, the train twice covers per week five days remain for the rest for leg training during the two days, a greater amount of work in the days of training compared to a typical run of the whole body, consisting of a frame weights Monday, Wednesday, Friday made, there is as increased frequency and the need for the upper body and the volume of training that the leg workout should be reduced.
divided depending on the needs of the athlete up / down makes sense in general, the size and strength as many will struggle to increase momentum for a long workout to maintain whole-body workout. A sample would be split upper / lower body:
Shows the strength of Split
Squat Romanian deadlift 4 x 6.4 4 x 6.4 Step Ups 2 x 8 2 x 8 x 8 From Pullthroughs Release 2
Incline Bench Press Hang Clean 3 4 x 4 x 3 Shoulder Press 2 x 6 x 6 pullups two triceps barbell curls 2 x 8 2 x 8
Clean Energy 3 x 5 Snatch grip dead 3 x 5 One Legged Squats Glute Ham Raise 2 x 6 2 x 8 Hanging leg raises 2 x 10
Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 5 pull-ups 3 x 5 Incline Press dumbell rowing 2 x 8 2 x 8 machine triceps extension 2 x 12 dumbbell curls 2 x 12
Speed Training
Speed training for soccer players should consider the fact that football sprints are usually of much shorter duration than Sprint in athletics. At the same time, the body mechanics of the players are different from those seen in world-class sprinters.
That is, a training program on the velocity of the players who have a high level of agreement with Olympic athletes, but with a limited need for this type of work under time pressure resistance track sprinters during the summer season. In contrast, a football program all techniques acceleration with a minor component of the velocity is so rare highlight for the opportunities that a full sprint necessary, the player is able to maintain maximum speed is longer.
Although there are many different opinions about how high-speed train, the method of Charlie Francis [i] used the one that good for the integration of other aspects of football training.
The rate of formation of the template for the season
Warm up - 5 min general warm-up exercises Mobility - 10 min Run Drills - 10 minutes after the start of work - 6 x 10 m (Aw a point at position 3 or 2 and up to 10 meter sprint) to accelerate the work - 6 x 20 m (position 2 or 3 points and accelerate to 20 m) to accelerate the work - 2 x 30 m (run from the beginning to 30 m)
Rest periods between races should be 2-3 minutes to work 10m, 20m working 3-5 min, and 4-6 in 30 minutes of work to ensure full recovery can be achieved.
The attentive reader will notice the races in a day that pushes heavyweights are combined. Depending on the authors, could sprint in the morning and weights in the afternoon or vice versa. Both methods work. to enable the most important factor behind the market sprints a day strength training increased leg muscle recovery and CNS. Trying to Sprint on different days (eg sea) would mean that the legs still tired from the day before and have less then a pause before the next meeting of the leg weight. In contrast, the combination of strength training and footwork in the sprint day something coach is often recommended.
Warm up - 5 min general warm-up exercises Mobility - 10 min Run Drills - 10 min work rate of 10.8 x 100m speed to 60-70%
Tempo run training distance, sub-maximum speed and run 100 meters next to it. It is very important for the realization of securities (return on the efforts of the previous day) to learn in a relaxed (too many athletes to sprint to the maximum voltage) and drive for the overall management and fat loss (intervals are approximately similar to the Run / Walk in working hours and rest periods in football and in the minutes of fat, such as Tabata).
With a day of high intensity, the second scheduled for Thursday, Wednesday is a time to rest and recover. Some studies of mobility and the hole is for those who need it well.
Warm up - 5 minute warm general mobility exercises - 10 min Run Drills - 10 minutes after the start of work - 6 x 10 feet (a practice that position 3 or in Section 2 and a maximum of 10 meter sprint) speed - 3 x 20 speed m - 3 x 30m Speed - 3 x 50m
Sprint training on Thursday was connected to a relatively low load, lifting explosive strength training days. Sprint distances are additions weight a greater distance and speed. This is the day when the football player wants to operate at maximum speed, but the acceleration still work, albeit at a lower volume because acceleration is a very important factor in football and help the body warm working speed. Rest periods, up to 10 minutes for maximum speed sprints. The work must be of high quality recreation muscle and central nervous system between the athlete sprints end with a total area.
Pace of work - 8.10 x 100 This day is a repeat of Tuesday
Warm up - 5 minute warm general mobility exercises - 10 min Run Drills - 10 minutes into the work - 4 x 10 meters (a practice that position 3 or in Section 2 and a maximum of 10 meter sprint) speed - 3 x 20 speed m - 2 x 30m Speed - Speed 2 x 50m - 2 x 60m
Saturday is the day in our cooler should be. No weight training before training, and we continue to take place from the effects of the drainage of heavy weight training on Monday and Tuesday. There is an increased focus on speed work this time with an increase in range up to 60m. This should be the time when the athlete is at its best.
Beyond 1 weeks
It should be noted that the approach shows for a week in the season. Strength and speed training should be collected as usual. A preferred approach by many programs is the gradual improvement of the training volume and intensity up a week ago, reduced volume and intensity of super-compensation and CNS recovery can take place allow. A Division 1.3 of hard training followed by a lighter "read" in the week will help to foster improvement rather than try to continually add weight / games / races for the program, the lead only to stagnation.
installed at the same time, other exercises and techniques in the rule to give the body of the athlete to the new challenges, but the goal should be the same as increasing the strength and speed are the long term. Although it will be for a beginner to rapid improvements in strength and speed make for a simple structure as follows, that is likely at some point the rate of weight or volume of work reduced (though not intensity), and maintained so that the quality the work can be highlighted by others.
Most of the 100m sprinters usually happens in a program that increases the power of exemption in the winter on a weight training is limited to the maintenance of such attention, the pace of the work to be addressed during the months of summer.
Of course, for football players have a different idea of what to consider the factor, but the fact is that since neither improved power and speed in the season are realistic, the player must look at your training program off-season, and consider the variable working on the most needed. Then you can more or less than the speed or the work force is considered appropriate for him and his coaching staff. For a strong athlete with limited speed, this would mean that the amount of his work in his days weight training and speed training in the early days of training, if the CNS and the muscles are cool. On the other hand, a weak athlete who quickly wants a limited amount of work pressure and higher sales volume of strength training, so that you can run your power to stop quickly.
Other factors
Many factors other than how the athletes training is important structures, including mobility exercises, nutritional support, grants, recovery and regeneration techniques and technical work. Although these are beyond the scope of this article, each element can be used with caution. Please see more stories on this page to read more.
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